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Review: Titanic for iPhone and iPad

Titanic (also free) is a very original, hardcore logic puzzle game, a kind which nowadays is rarely seen on the App Store.

Originally released in 2012, it recently received a major update, which doubles the number of levels. But not only that: the new levels are based on a new mechanic, which turns it into a very different puzzle. So this effectively more than doubles the value of the game.
Developed by SmartGames, like their other two games Roadblock and Temple Trap, it's a digital adaptation of a clever physical puzzle with the same name.

Like most of Raf Peeters' puzzles, Titanic's theme is not just cosmetical, but it is strongly tied to the mechanics.

The setup is a shipwreck. There are passengers in the water, and lifeboats that must pick them up. In the first few puzzles there is plenty of space, so navigating around seems easy, however the strict movement rules make it more difficult.
The first rule is that to pick up a passenger, a boat must be placed in such a way that the passenger is beside the boat's seat. As you can see, the boats above are two units long, but they have only one seat. Additionally, the boats can move in all directions, but they cannot rotate. This means that the boat at the top cannot pick up the passenger in the bottom left corner, because there's no way to get him next to the seat.

You'd therefore be tempted to move the other boat to the left and pick up that man. Unfortunately, that's prevented by the second rule: when passengers can climb on a boat, they must do it. You cannot pass by them and not pick them up. So as you moved the boat to the left, you'd pass next to the right passenger, and would be forced to pick him up.

Things get quickly more crammed up, with more boats and passengers populating the board. In this puzzle there are three boats, and it's pretty clear by exclusion which passenger should be picked by each, but it's not that simple.
You can't simply move the bottom boat to pick up a passenger, then move it out of the way to be able to pick up the other one, because there's a third rule which prevents that: when a boat is full, it drops anchor and cannot be moved again. So you would end up in this position, with no way to pick up the passenger on the left.
This rule is crucial to the game balance. At the beginning, the passengers in the water limit the movement possibilities; as you pick them up, they free up space, which can be used to make moves which were impossible before. This is perfectly exemplified in the puzzle above, where one of the passengers cannot be saved until you get another one out of the way.

If the boats continued to move freely after being loaded, the puzzles would become too easy after saving a couple of passengers. With the boats forming new barriers, instead, things remain interesting until the end. This restriction is made a bit less limiting by the presence of boats that can carry two passengers. In that case, the boat can save a single passenger and keep moving until it is fully loaded.
This process of moves becoming more limited as you proceed reminds me of an exceptionally hard puzzle game, Tile'm all, though in that case things are made even harder by the fact that no more space frees up as you move.

But don't worry, because the board can be very crowded anyway. There's remarkably little free space in the hardest puzzles, which makes it somewhat surprising that a solution even exists.
There's an additional rule, which I don't particularly like. In some cases, you can move a boat in such a way that it could load more than one passenger on the same seat. In that case, you have to choose which one to pick up, as indicated here by the ring buoys.
I think that this makes the rules less "clean", and I might have preferred if the puzzles were designed to make this occurrence not possible. However, given how crowded the board can be, this was probably just not possible.

What I described up to now are the rules of the standard Titanic game. As I said at the beginning, the update recently released adds a new mechanic. Consistently with the game's theme, the new elements are iceberges.
Ice blocks can be moved, but not directly: they can only be pushed by the boats. For example, in the puzzle above the three blocks near the top are isolating a passenger, so you need to push them out of the way, while being careful to not pick up the right passenger ahead of time. The new element works very well with the theme, and does a good job of mixing the classic rules with sokoban. Note that, unlike sokoban, you can push multiple blocks at the same time.

The paid version contains 204 puzzles, which can be played in any order. The free version generously contains 42 puzzles. You'll want to take advantage of the ability to play out of sequence, because the "iceberg" and "classic" puzzles are in separate groups, but alternating between the two helps keeping the gameplay more varied.

What distinguishes this game from the average puzzle game on the App Store is the complexity of the rules. It's not that they are outrageously complicated, but they need attention and it's easy to get confused the first few times you play. It is even more surprising that this was born as a physical game: I can imagine people making mistakes and forgetting to pick up a passenger. The nice thing about the digital version is that it keeps track of the rules for you.

These are also not the kind of puzzles where you can play but just moving around carelessly. You need to think from the very beginning, because a wrong move will leave you blocked. Basic logic will help immensely, especially in the easier puzzles, because you can rule out all the impossible and remain with a handful (possibly just one) of options to try. The harder puzzles do seem a bit overwhelming.

The graphics are nice. The water in the background is not animated, but everything else is; the boats gently rock, and the passengers turn to follow the movement of the boat you are interacting with. Sound effects are sparse but adequate.

Input handling could be better: the boats can only move on a straight line, so if you want to move on a L shaped path, you have to make the first part of the move, release the finger, then drag again on the second part.

The tutorial section could be improved. It has many pages of text, followed by a couple of interactive sections which don't really add much. It would benefit from being interactive from the start, and could probably omit some details, like the fact that boats cannot move diagonally.

I can certainly recommend this game, along with all the other SmartGames. As I've said other times in the past, my only regret is that there aren't more of them on the App Store.


Logical Reasoning★★★★☆
User Interface★★★☆☆
Loading Time★★★☆☆
Saves Partial Progress
Status Bar

©2014 Nicola Salmoria. Unauthorized use and/or duplication without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicola Salmoria and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Review: SpinIn for iPhone and iPad

SpinIn (also for iPad) by Klogia is a new release but looks old—and for good reason.
Confused by the splash screen? Well, don't worry. The actual game looks nothing like that. Actually, there is no "Spin" mechanic at all! Instead, it's a "Tilt" maze.

I've reviewed other tilt mazes in the past, so you know the drill. You can move in any direction, but when you do, all the pieces move in the same direction until they hit a wall. The goal is to make the block with a jewel on top go out from the side.
What makes this game apart is that the puzzles are very compact, never more than 5x4, and use a small number of pieces, usually just three. Despite that, they are challenging and rewarding. Often times I played carelessly for a while, getting nowhere. Then I stopped to think and had a good "a-ha!" moment as I figured out the trick needed. This is a perfect example of how this kind of puzzles should be designed.

Note that all the pieces can be removed, not just the jewel one. This is actually needed in some of the puzzles, like the above one.
Of course the L-shaped pieces cannot be completely removed, but they can go out partially, which is a key part in many of the puzzles, like this one:
On the other hand, the fact that you can remove a piece doesn't mean that you should: for example to sove this puzzle you need the green block to remain on the board.
What I just said indicates that, unlike Blockhouse, you can get stuck in an unwinnable state, so you need to be careful about what you do, and restart (or undo) if needed.

As I said in my earlier tweet, this game was a pleasant surprise in the sea of clones that are currently devastating the App Store. However, it isn't really a new game: it was originally released in 2010.
Some time ago it was removed from the App Store, and now it's back with a refurbished interface, new puzzles (I think), and updated with some free-to-play mechanics.

The graphics really look outdated. All those textures and skeuomorphism make everything look heavy and overcomplicated. Ironically, if you look at Tom Cutrofello's review of the original version, the graphics were less refined but a lot clearer.

The user interface is terrible. It's confusing, difficult to navigate and interact with. There are just too many options!
Input handling during the game is ok, but there is an area at the bottom of the screen which is used for the undo functionality and often gets in the way.

There's a total of 132 puzzles, which must be solved strictly in order, unless you want to pay to skip one.

The most ridiculous thing is how a free-to-play timer has been added to the puzzle progression. After solving the first 24 puzzles, you have to wait 90 minutes before unlocking the next puzzles, or you can pay $0.99 and unlock them right away. Frankly I don't think this kind of mechanic can work in a game like this: the best thing it can accomplish is turn people away.

Get this game for the good puzzles. However, it would probably benefit from a complete redesign of the user interface and presentation.


Logical Reasoning★★★★☆
User Interface★☆☆☆☆
Loading Time★★★☆☆
Saves Partial Progress
Status Bar

©2014 Nicola Salmoria. Unauthorized use and/or duplication without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicola Salmoria and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Perfect Paths: Score 900 in Andromeda

A few people asked me: how can you score 900 in the Andromeda levels of Perfect Paths? They are simple puzzles, with an apparently obvious solutions; there doesn't seem to be much freedom in order to gain extra points. But on closer inspection, you can.

If you follow me on Twitter, you should have seen a retweet about a blog which shows solutions for (almost) all the levels in the game. Of course you'll not want to spoil the game by peeking at solutions, but if you're seriously stuck, this will get you going. Even if you do copy a solution, there's still a lot of fun to be had by making it better and shorter to earn extra points.

I already gave a few tips in my review of the game, but let's look at those again with specific examples.
The solution to the above puzzle seems obvious: just draw straight paths to the goals and be done with it. However, this is inefficient. The score you get depends on only two things: the number of arrows you use, and the number of steps taken by the solution. In the above case, the number of arrows is optimal: you can't do better than that. However, the order of the arrows is not optimal.

The blocks move following a 4-phase rhythm: UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT. When for example you have two UP arrows one after the other, followed by a RIGHT arrow, this requires 7 steps: the block goes UP, then it stays still during the DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT phases, then it goes UP again, stays still during DOWN, finally goes RIGHT. So 4 steps are "wasted".
If instead the order of the arrows is UP, RIGHT, UP, the block ends in the same position as before, but in only 5 steps: goes UP, stays still during DOWN, goes RIGHT, stays still during LEFT, and finally goes UP. So you save 2 steps, potentially worth 2 extra points. Which is what happens if you change the solution to this one:
I said potentially, because the only thing that matters is how long it takes for the last block to reach the goal. If in a puzzle there are two blocks, and one of them does a very short path while the other takes a longer route, it doesn't matter how short the first path is. It's better to keep the paths balanced and make the blocks reach the goal at about the same time. Look at this for example:
Here the yellow block does an optimal path, but the blue block goes all over the place. It's possible to do better than this.

And to do really well in this level you have to take advantage of the most important element of the game: the ability to join and split blocks. Joining blocks is a major advantage because it allows you to move multiple blocks with a single command, saving on the number of arrows; but more importantly, it allows you to do things that are simply not possible for blocks moving alone. Look at this:
Here the two blocks will join, move together to the left, split; then the yellow block goes up pushing the blue one into its goal, and finally move to its goal. This solution is both more compact and shorter of the previous one, giving 13 extra points.

If you follow all these directions, you should easily be able to beat Andromeda with the remarkable score of... 899. That final extra point to reach 900 is still up to you. Try to find a different solution for the last puzzle which still uses joins and splits, but needs one less arrow.

See you on the leaderboards!

©2014 Nicola Salmoria. Unauthorized use and/or duplication without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicola Salmoria and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Update: Qvoid 1.8

What a nice surprise! The best cube rolling puzzle game on the App Store, Qvoid, has just been updated, adding 20 new puzzles.

The new puzzles are elegantly small and challenging, as usual for this game. Here is the first one.
My first attempt? 63 steps. Second attempt? 59 steps. The creator's? 13 steps. Classic.

Having new puzzles would be enough to rejoice, but this update does more: it also adds a new cell type!
You need to enter these new cells following the direction of the arrow. You can then leave the cell in any direction. This allows to make some nice compact puzzles like this one, which took me a while to solve (also because I had forgotten what the white cells do...)
It's great to see this beautiful game still updated from time to time, years after its initial release. I can only expect that more updates will come out in the future, further extending the use of the new cell type.

©2014 Nicola Salmoria. Unauthorized use and/or duplication without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicola Salmoria and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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